
Create atmosphere and capture focus.

We invest in industry-preferred lighting fixtures and a team of world-class designers, engineers, and technicians. Our extensive inventory includes only the most reliable lighting fixtures. Our lighting designers are true artists, well-versed in style, composition, balance, aesthetics, and human emotions. With a wide range of fixtures, from tungsten to moving LED, they ensure every show element shines in its most dynamic form.


Moving Lights

Clay Paky Xtylos
Wattage: 150W Laser Engine
Beam Angle: 1°- 7°
Weight: 24kg
Dimensions: 391mm x 294mm x 603mm

Moving Lights

Clay Paky Scenius Unico
Wattage: 1400W
Beam Angle: 5°- 50° linear zoom
Weight: 45.6kg
Dimensions: 442mm x 410mm x 804mm

Moving Lights

Clay Paky Axcor Profile 400
Wattage: 150W Laser Engine
Beam Angle: 1°- 7°
Dimensions: 391mm x 294mm x 603mm

Moving Lights

Clay Paky Super Sharpy 2
Wattage: 470W
Beam Angle: 0°-4°
Weight: 31kg
Dimensions: 42cm x 40.5cm x 57cm


The revolutionary RoboSpot™ follow spot system – a device that allows follow spot operators to remotely control up to 12 fixtures simultaneously from any location within the venue, reducing set-up times and operating costs. The system features a large HD touch screen for the operator to observe the performance from a first-hand view point and a full range of customisable hand controls for operating fixtures such as intensity, focus, tilt and many others.
Weight: 16.5kg
Dimensions: 60.6cmH x 69.3mW x 47.2cmD